Mar 22, 2018
"Jaws was PG! This is parental guidance, come watch a movie about, where a shark just eats people for two hours!"
Upon arriving at the pirate ship, Mike & Mike find the treasure gone, Cyndi Lauper was forced to walk the plank, and a TV playing, “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough” on repeat. The boys try to sail...
Mar 16, 2018
"The part of the song I always heard ah, what, for a minute and a half in the movie?"
Mike & Mike found an old tape in the attic, along with a map of a gas station. The boys popped the tape into the old VCR and what they found on that day can only be described as, ridiculous.
(Original Release: July 10th, 2013)
Mar 9, 2018
"I don't buy He-Man driving the car..."
Mr. D shows Mike Foy, “Masters of the Universe” for the first time in about 20 years, and the results are hysterical.
(Original Release: July 24th,
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Mar 1, 2018
"Everybody deserves a second chance... this is mine..."
In this special episode, Mike Foy and Mr. D discuss the possibilities of Terminator 5, the highs and lows of T4, and try to understand why most seem to enjoy T3.
(Original Release: June 29th, 2016)
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